Thursday, February 14, 2013

Assorted Tidbits

Me: Noah, you have to eat something healthy first, fruit or yogurt.
Noah: But candy is fruit!!!

Noah: Mommy, we should have ten Noahs and ten Benjamins!
Me: Oh, that would be like a school in my house!
Benjamin: There are more of us than that at school, there are 26 of us, and it is a real mess, I promise! 

Me: Are you friends with Juliette?
Benjamin: Ah, Juliette, my love.
Me: Wait, I thought Juliette was Nathan's love.
Benjamin: No, Nathan loves Juliette, Juliette doesn't love Nathan.
Me: Ahhh.
Benjamin: It's the opposite!

(Who can keep up?)

1 comment:

wonky73 said...

Noah: But candy is fruit!!!

gave me a flashback to an old Simpsons episode.

Homer: Purple is a fruit.