Saturday, February 28, 2009

Sunny Days in the south of France

Frederic didn't have class on Thursday and it was warmish and sunny out, so we took the boys to the park in a neighboring town. Outside in just jackets in February! Love it!

On the way home, we stopped at the Tour Carbonnière that everyone told us we could go up to the first level in and look out, but that information turned out to be outdated - apparently the Tour is no longer open as of a couple of months ago. So looking around didn't take very long.

This is what La Camargue looks like. It's very marshy land, and much of it is protected for the wildlife.

Then we stopped to see the bulls. There are a lot of bull ranches around here (manades). They have bull runs in the summer time, and bull fights, and we found out they make a type of bull salami as well.

Today we went to a couple of second hand shops in nearby Nîmes, and found a portable high chair for Noah at less than half price.
We're only here for another month, but the price was right and we figured he might be getting tired of eating in his carseat, and after all, we can keep it for company once we don't need it anymore.

1 comment:

Top-of-the-Arch said...

Looked like you all had wonderful day in the sun and very "quiet" week - haa haa. Noah and his adventure reminded me of my little brother climing up the stairs in our house in Viet Nam. My mother saw him half way up, she almost had a heart attack but did not say anything to scare him, afraid he might fall down. Also, Benjamin speaking two languages just like my little nephew speaking English in one sentence to my husband and Chinese to Grandma next, naturally. It is great knowing more than one language. Children are so precious and great at learning at an early age.
Have a good quiet, sunny week :)