Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Why We Love Our Friends

Especially our American friends.

Especially our American friends who have access to American products.

Ok, that is not really the only reason we love our friends. But we sure do like presents like these! Thanks, friends!

(Those are Dr Pepper freezer pops (like Mr Freeze) in the back there, if anyone is wondering.)

And for anyone wanting to come visit us soon, it might be worth mentioning that our supply of chili powder is dwindling. Just in case you were wondering. And we love Starbucks coffee drinks. And Diet Dr Pepper. Oh, and there is no waxed paper in France, every now and then that would come in handy. And Krispy Kreme doughnuts, and Cool Whip, although I'm not sure those travel well. Ok, I'll stop now. Actually, we're not picky at all. If it's American, we like it. Well, except maybe for that nasty cheese stuff in a whipped cream can. We do have some standards.


Top-of-the-Arch said...

I am glad to know someone still wants Krispy Kreme! I bought a few shares when the stock was at $31.00 - last time I checked it was $1.50 - blah! I am sure I am not the only one "crying over the stale donuts". Glad to read that you have nice visits and all is well with the family. Regards, TOTA

evidlaine said...

Je suis passé voir les nouvelles photos , je vois que tout le monde va bien , vous visiter pas mal de sites , les enfants se donnent à coeur joie , les beaux légumes du jardin super !!!
bisous à vous tous

Unknown said...

I would love to send you some chili powder -- send me your address over Facebook. I'm serious!