Thursday, December 30, 2010

Third Christmas

We ended up with a white Christmas despite my hopes to the contrary.

Nothing short of a Christmas miracle... two boys sitting on the couch together, being nice, rather than trying to start WWIII all on their own.
Our third Christmas began the evening of the 25th with the arrival of our friends, Chris, Isabelle, Julia and Chloe Burkholder, and Isabelle's mom, Marie-Josée. Benjamin and Noah were dismayed to have to go to bed before they arrived, but they all got in plenty of play time the next day.

And more presents! Who doesn't like more presents?

And snow. We couldn't let the entire visit go by without at least one romp in the snow.

We love having the Burkholders over, among other reasons because their girls are so close in age to our boys. All the kids played well together. While we wait for a larger dining room table, the coffee table worked out pretty well as a kids' table.

Noah and Chloe played their own version of Connect 4, consisting of putting checkers in anywhere they felt like, and Noah calling out, "I won!" after a while regardless of the checkers' configuration.

Storytime with Isabelle.

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