Saturday, February 5, 2011

The French Report Card

When I told my friend Emiley about Benjamin's report card, she was imagining that a good Frenchman would be graded more on skills like these:

Liking stinky cheese.

Turning nose up at Americans.

Beret wearing.

Even though the Eiffel Tower is ugly, saying it is wonderful and the world is lucky we left it up.

Drinking coffee and eating pastries, while remaining stick-thin.

Complaining about parking in the crowded city, yet owning a car when you rarely drive anywhere.

Making Americans beg you to speak English before you start speaking good English to them. Until then, pretending they don't exist.


Leontien said...

haha that sounds all REALLY French!!!


Jordan said...

Sounds like Noah's going to get good grades in all of that based on your previous posts.