Sunday, February 28, 2016

Sunday Exploring

We went Sunday exploring this afternoon, in a town called Rozet Saint Albin, about 40 minutes from where we live. We drove by a castle on the way, but once there, found some houses you could pick up dirt cheap!

There weren't many people out, but then again, it was pretty cold and windy, so maybe they were smarter than we were, and were staying toasty by the fire.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Post No Bills

Noah's at the age of putting notices up on his door. We have the first one instructing us to respect the notices on the door, another ordering us to knock before entering, another commanding silence, and one indicating the absence or presence of Noah in the room.

The signs are all the more official because they are signed by "Caius Bonus," who is probably a Roman from an Astérix comic book.

This last one is actually tacked up to the top of his wall, near his bed... not really sure where we are supposed to enter after we knock...

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Where Snow Comes From

Me, to Noah, looking at the snow outside: What is that stuff in the sky?
Noah: Polystyrene.
Me: Oh. Where is it coming from?
Noah: God. He is shaking around a box of polystyrene.
Me: Why?
Noah: Because he wants to get rid of it.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Swim Meet

I came home in time for the boys' school music program, and then that weekend, Benjamin's first individual swim meet of the year.

Noah wasn't allowed to compete since he's not yet 8 years old, but the coach let him participate in warm-ups with the rest of the team, and he got to splash around in the wading pool when he wasn't cheering on his brother or other teammates. 

Benjamin has made a lot of progress in all of his strokes. He wasn't very happy about doing a 100-meter butterfly race, but he did it! And he did a 400-meter freestyle - that's 16 laps, and took him just over 8 minutes.

Guess who won 3rd place in the 100-meter backstroke?

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Quick Trip

At the end of January, I took a quick trip to Alabama by myself, to spend time with my grandparents while my grandad was in the hospital. I was glad to be able to go, spend time with family, and especially glad to see my grandad's rapid recovery.