Saturday, April 16, 2016

Ski Trip Time

Leaving for ski vacation so late in the season, we weren't sure whether we'd even have snow once we got up to the resort. But these trees greeted us on our way up. As you can see in the next picture, though, there wasn't much snow left! It was mostly slush by the end of the week.

We also had some dark clouds and hailstorms, but that didn't deter our skiers for long.

Benjamin earned his third star level, and Noah his second.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Starting Out Right

Any trip that starts out this way has to go right, doesn't it? We spent the night in Dijon on our way to the mountains, and saw an American-themed diner near our hotel. So of course we had to stop for the photo op before we continued on our way! (The diner wasn't open yet when we left, so we couldn't test whether the food was authentic or not!)