Tuesday, April 23, 2024

April 23, 2024: First Solo Flight!

Today was the big day... Noah's instructor decided he was ready to go solo after about thirteen hours of instruction. 


First, a flight with the instructor

Frédéric and I waited in the hanger to watch Noah take off   

The feeling when you see the instructor climb out of the cockpit...

And hang out next to the runway...

See the video here:

Landing while his instructor looks on

We are much happier when he is back on the ground!

I don't think he is happier he's on the ground, but he's happy his flight went well!

His instructor said he did great! He asked Noah how he felt, and Noah replied, "On se sent très très bien quand même ; je m'attendais à pire." ("I feel really really good after all; I was expecting worse.")

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Mesnilbus House Progress: April 2024

 This month's house progress includes: more drywall in the kitchen, including walling up the used-to-be fireplace and... a finished living room! We got it painted ("voile de brume" - we thought that would be a grayish-white, turns out it's very light blue...) and laid the flooring and baseboards!

Kitchen fireplace

Living room done! (except for outlets)