Monday, May 27, 2024

Mesnilbus House Update: May 2024

This one we call, "Everyone gets into the act!" Frédéric's friend Sylvain joined him for the weekend to help out, Anita did some priming and sanding, and Gaudeline and her daughter also primed the bedroom.

Drywall in the kitchen nearly done!

Gaudeline & daughter painting

Anita sanding in the hallway

Anita and Sylvain having a lunch break and enjoying the sun in Normandy!

The shower pan was delivered!


Sunday, May 26, 2024

Memorial Day at Belleau Wood

 Benjamin came home last night and informed me that we needed to go to a Memorial Day ceremony. I have taken the boys a few times over the years, but I hadn't thought about it this year. Noah opted to stay home and study, and Frédéric was at work, so Benjamin and I went on our own to the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery in Belleau. 

Obligatory photo with Missouri state flag

Monday, May 20, 2024

Weekend Visitors

 Our friends Natacha and Max came to visit for the weekend, so we decided to take them to see the new crown jewel of Villers-Cotterêts: La Cité de la Langue Française. This is where the Ordonnance de Villers-Cotterêts was signed in in 1539, making French the official language of France, so it's a fitting location for President Macron's project as a home for the French language and French speakers from across the world.

After dinner, we made s'mores on the barbecue grill

Frédéric had helpers for breakfast

Sunday morning we went to a flea market at Largny sur Automne, and in the afternoon we went to a village garage sale at Neuilly Saint Front

Friday, May 10, 2024

Happy Birthday, Frédéric!

Benjamin came back home for the summer, which is to say, some of his things came to our house but he spends most of his time with his friends. But we took advantage of his being home during the week to celebrate Frédéric's birthday a little early with cousins and friends.

Sylvain, Benjamin, Noah, Frédéric, Christian, Sheila, Sandrine

Noah, Benjamin, Alisa, Frédéric

Christian, Frédéric, Sheila