Saturday, August 31, 2024

Last Hurrah Before Back to School

Frédéric's cousin Manu and his family invited us over for an end of summer lunch before back to school time. Coming from the farthest away, we managed to arrive before everyone else.

Mélissa, Frédéric, Axel, Noah, me, Sophie

Mélissa, Sophie, Axel, Manu, Kimberley, Pascal
me, Frédéric, Noah, Sandrine, Christian, Sheila

Friday, August 30, 2024

Mesnilbus House Update: August 2024

 After we returned to France, Frédéric left for Normandy for ten days to make some progress on the house. The goal of this stay was to finish the kitchen.

He painted it

Gaudeline helped lay the floor

Then they added the kitchen cabinets, fridge, and dishwasher

Monday, August 19, 2024

First day of sophomore year

Benjamin sent me his first day of school photo as he starts his sophomore year at Missouri S&T as a mechanical engineering major.


Return to France

Frédéric, Noah, Elyse, and I drove to Chicago to fly back to France.

We got to fly back in style, too.

Saturday, August 17, 2024


By some miracle we managed to get our timing right so we could move Benjamin into his campus apartment at Missouri S&T, and he got to show Elyse around the campus. 

Benjamin's new apartment building

Elyse and Benjamin

Originally Missouri School of Mines, then University of Missouri at Rolla

Checking in on the solar car

Friday, August 16, 2024

Gem Show

 We stopped by the gem and mineral show. 

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Newly licensed driver!

The Ballwin highway patrol office makes it impossible to get in for a driver's test, with no appointments available online and lines around the corner at least two hours before the office opens. Fortunately, Festus allows people to make appointments online, so Benjamin was able to go there for a test, and at long last, his Missouri driver's license achievement is unlocked! 

And he has a new (to him) car to go with the new license, thanks to his grandparents!


The Butterfly House

 Back in St Louis, we met up with my eighth grade science teacher, Claudia Uccello, for lunch at her senior living residence, and then visited the Butterfly House right across the street. 

Noah and Claudia, deeply regretting that we missed the corpse flower's bloom

Elyse and Benjamin

Claudia and Benjamin

Elyse, Noah, Frédéric, me, Claudia, Benjamin

Tuesday, August 6, 2024


After Arkansas, we drove down to Alabama to visit the farm.

Grandma Crowe reading to Caleb and Molly, Noah in the background

Grandma Crowe and Molly

Benjamin, Elyse, Noah, and Levi playing Rummikub while Riley and Caleb watch

Grandma and Travis chatting

Noah, me, Grandma Crowe, Benjamin, Elyse

Benjamin and Elyse played "Dinosaur Tea Party" with the cousins

Noah always helps with chores on the farm, like collecting eggs

This year, he got to learn how to milk a cow

Benjamin and Elyse didn't want to be left out of that fun, so they got up early the next day, before we left for St Louis, to try it out.


Friday, August 2, 2024

Hot Springs, Arkansas

Frédéric and Elyse arrived in St Louis the night before we went to pick up Benjamin and Noah from camp. 

We gave them a day to recover from jet lag, and the boys a day to recover from lack of sleep at camp, and then we went on vacation with my parents, Aunt Ruth and Uncle Mark, and Aunt Claire and Uncle Curtis in Hot Springs, Arkansas.

Nice firepit not far from the dock

Elyse and Benjamin kayaking

playing Molkky

Noah kayaking

Eating possum pie - delicious local speciality

playing a generation trivia game, questions for everyone

Noah digging for crystals

digging for crystals

Elyse and Benjamin digging for crystals