Saturday, June 9, 2007

sunny days are here again


And our first tomatoes are starting to appear! I think these are on the cherry tomato plant. Frederic also planted Red Pear, Yellow Pear, and Roma tomatoes. The bell peppers aren't looking as good, since the birds kept trying to destroy them. Frederic has now put up some rope "fencing" around them and some red and white security tape to act as a scarecrow. So we're holding out hope that the peppers will survive.

And we got some more work done on the hedge this past week. As you can see, we still have the back half of that part to finish cutting off, and we still have one more length of hedge in front of the house to do as well. Then we hope to be able to keep it at a reasonable height (it's about 6 feet tall now instead of 8-9) with just semi-annual trimming.

1 comment:

Claire said...

Very nice! We have a visiting raccoon who picked all of our beautiful 3" green tomatoes for us and left them right there on the ground for us to get!!! So helpful!