Friday, October 2, 2009

Still warm enough to play outside

Benjamin recently rediscovered the tennis racquet we got him last year (thank you, Goodwill!). He's having a great time playing tennis - or Bing-Bang, as he prefers to call it - with Frédéric. We've had great weather all summer that is so far still holding (despite the morning chill we ward off with the fire), so this has been an almost-daily activity lately.

Noah gets to be the ball boy.

Can you spot what's wrong with this picture?

Let's take a closer look.
Noah is not actually *that* advanced- he can't quite reach the pedals yet. Maybe next year!

Trying to get a picture of the two boys together is something of a near-impossible feat these days. This is as close as I've gotten lately.

Noah is a little gardener... or perhaps just a scavenger. He likes to pick and eat anything he finds growing outside, including our entire 6-grape harvest, the raspberries, or green tomatoes fresh off the vine.

1 comment:

Claire said...

I LOVE Noah's hair!!!!! So cute.