Tuesday, September 4, 2012

La Rentrée !

Between Frédéric, the kids, and me, I'm not sure who was most ready for school to start. I think we were all pretty excited about it. 

Noah is starting second year preschool, which is full day and no naptime (Noah is thrilled about that!), and Benjamin is starting second grade. Here they are at home just before heading out.

This is the road to school (I just find it amusing that we drive through fields to get to school). We call this road "le chemin de vaches" (the cow path). Both boys are in the same schools this year as last year, and each has the same teacher he had last year, and both are happy about that. (Benjamin is already a bit worried about having to have a new teacher next year!)

In front of Noah's preschool, which this year hosts only the 3- and 4-year old preschool classes full-time. The kindergarten class has moved up to be with the 1st and 2nd grades in Benjamin's school this year, to keep all three schools at around 20 students, but the kindergarteners will still spend a few afternoons a week with the former kindergarten teacher and aide in the preschool. The organization will be a bit of an adjustment for everyone, but we are just happy we still have three schools / classes for our 3-year-old preschool through 5th graders after last year's drama and resolution.

Benjamin in front of his school.

Frédéric and I enjoyed the blissful silence at home this morning. The hours flew by all too quickly before we had to go pick the boys up for lunch, and the glorious silence was of course shattered by the constant bickering and fighting when they got home. A bit more exquisite silence after they went back this afternoon, and my friend came over for coffee. We enjoyed the sunshine and the peaceful, quiet yard with no one clamoring for our attention. But alas, all good things come to an end, and we had to pick the kids up again from school. 

And tomorrow is Wednesday, which means no school. Dear French Government, if you are listening, I think it is just cruel to start school on a Tuesday and make us deal with a Wednesday immediately afterwards. 

Both boys were exhausted by the time they got home, but poor Benjamin ended up in tears tonight because he found out that his best friend, Léa, moved and won't be going to his school anymore. We had no idea. I just saw her in the grocery store last week, so we hope that means she hasn't moved too far, and we will try to find her family's phone number to see if they can at least have a play date or something some time. 

(And another "rentrée" today - Frédéric took up ping-pong in a club again, after having stopped playing about six and a half years ago! Any guesses on who is going to have sore muscles tomorrow?)

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