Sunday, June 23, 2013

Swimming Champion!

Benjamin had his third swim meet Saturday. It was around 60°F out (brrrr) and the meet was in the outdoor pool. Yikes! We also had a light rain during the meet, hence the umbrella...

Benjamin swam the 25m freestyle (crawl), and came in first...

As it turned out, since they rank them by stroke and by year of birth, he came in first out of one. In fact, none of the kids came in lower than second place. Good for the self esteem?

At any rate, he has been invited to join the competitive team next year, and he thinks this is something he would like to do, so he'll have 3 hours of practice a week starting in September.

They had a relay this year after everyone finished their races, and his team won, so he was very happy about that, too.

It was so cold, he and the others warmed up (??) in the baby pool between their races and the relay.

Despite the weather, we had a barbecue afterwards, where we spent the evening chatting with another "new" family.

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