Monday, March 23, 2020

Life in Confinement

The bright side of confinement: our monthly gas budget is down by 75%.

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You might be in confinement if... you can convince your husband and sons to watch a Cary Grant movie with you. 

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J'ai suggéré à Frédéric qu'il apprenne un peu sur l'entretien de base des voitures aux garçons pendant le confinement. Vérifier, les niveaux, changer un pneu...
Benjamin dit, "Je sais changer un pneu."
"Ah bon?"
"Oui, d'abord tu prends le pont-levis..."

[I suggested to Frédéric that he teach the boys some basics of car maintenance during confinement. Checking fluid levels, changing a tire...
Benjamin says, "I know how to change a tire."
"You do?"
"Yes, first you take the drawbridge..."]

In his defense, a jack is a "cric" but in a garage, the lift is a "pont."

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