Saturday, July 16, 2022

Rolla: Missouri S&T

 After the car debacle was successfully resolved, we made our way toward Rolla, Missouri, where we met up with friends James and Laura Castle - former internet-friends turned real-life friends about ten years ago when they visited us while they were living in England. 

James's parents generously hosted us in their guest house just outside of town.

not the guest house
Benjamin had agreed to visit Missouri Science & Technology, and James and Laura's daughter Maddie visited the same day, so we got to spend a good part of the day together as we toured campus.

MO S&T participates in the concrete canoe competition

in a classroom in the structural engineering department   

with James, Laura, and Maddie after our tour

Maddie and Benjamin

the design center

We visited the design center, and one of the students showed us all the different projects students were working on. He asked Benjamin if he saw something he was interested in, and Benjamin said, "Everything!" 

Before heading to Missouri, we gathered our things from the guest house and said goodbye to everyone - and posed for one more picture with James, Laura, and their other daughter, Reese.

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