Monday, October 31, 2022

Demolition Derby Begins

We're having the lion's share of the work on the house done for us via a local contractor, but we thought we'd save some money by doing demolition ourselves. 

We intended to remove the partition from the living room this trip, at least.

As it turned out, we got a lot more done that that. We got a large portion of the piquetage done. Piquetage means stripping the plaster and cement off the walls to get them back to their original construction, which is stone and daub. The goal is to restore the wall to better health before continuing work - with daub walls, materials like plaster and cement prevent the daub from being properly aerated.

Noah, removing the partition

Frédéric, thinking, what have we gotten ourselves into?

Frédéric and Benjamin: Do we call this progress?

Benjamin did a large part of this wall, in the kitchen

Frédéric's brother stopped by to help in the entryway/bathroom

People who plan ahead would have rented a dumpster. We are not those people.


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