Sunday, July 8, 2007

Caution: Disaster Area

I don't think my house has ever been this big of a mess! Demolition has begun....

This was the hallway originally; our goal is to remove the long, narrow hallway. To do so, we are going to open up the living room (right side of the hallway) and change up the guest room/bathroom setup as well:

long, narrow hallway

This was the hallway yesterday and then today:

hallway yesterday   hallway today

view from inside the guest room
Seen from inside the guest room (the wall the ladder is up against is the living room wall, which will be removed hopefully before the end of the summer, but we're going to get the bedroom/bathroom walls back up first!).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's unconscionable to let small children play around a construction area.

Without a hardhat, that is. Alex has one he'd be happy to loan to cousin Benjamin. He got it at "Monster Machines" day at Des Peres Park.